
Sunday 23 November 2014

Curried Cream Cheese Spread

My in-laws are often away for the holidays so we will often celebrate Christmas with them before they leave.  This year my mother-in-law made a wonderful spread that we couldn't seem to get enough of. I asked her for the recipe and made it for our annual Wine and Cheese potluck and everyone seemed to enjoy it as well.  It is a very simple recipe she got from a friend of hers but I am sure it will be come one of my go to appetizers.
The amounts for the spices are just a guide, you can add more or less depending on your personal tastes.  Just remember if you make it ahead of time that the flavour will develop with time.  This dish can be served cold or at room temperature with crackers or what ever you like.

Curried Cream Cheese Spread

250 grams soft cream cheese
1 tbsp mango chutney
1 tbsp curry powder
1 tbsp ground cumin
red pepper jelly
dried red currents or craisins
toasted pine nuts
  1. Combine the cream cheese, chutney and spices. Cream together with a spoon or a fork until thoroughly mixed.  Put this mixture into the dish you plan on serving it in.
  2. Top the cream cheese mixture with a layer of red pepper jelly.
  3. Mix together enough of the pine nuts and dried fruit to cover the top of the spread.  Add to the top of the spread.

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